Archived Ants

ISSUE #193: The Burlingame Bombshell (5/9/21)

"A system is corrupt when it is strictly profit-driven, not driven to serve the best interests of its people." -- Suzy Kassem



Another column, another housing travesty. At some point, someone is going to listen and do something, right? It obviously won't be any one of the hundreds of bureaucrats whose paychecks and benefits are on the line, but I'm hopeful that our elected officials will finally and rightfully feel ashamed of their permissive oversight and neglect of our housing program.
To quote from an email I received this morning. "So many residents are crushed under the powerful and often arrogant wheels of Aspen's bureaucracy. They truly seem not to care about so many of their own citizens."
I wholeheartedly agree. It's disgusting. And when the city manager and city attorney (top of the bureaucratic foodchain) are the direct reports of city council, it ABSOLUTELY falls to the five elected members of city council to right this ship.
It's time to clean up the city-caused messes, replace the APCHA board with citizens who will work to save the program, and show some common decency and respect for the hard working locals and families who live in our subsidized housing.
Read my column in today's Aspen Times HERE.




ISSUE #191: "That's Not Fair!"  4/11/21

"You can never have equal outcomes, but you can have equal opportunity." -- Jamie Dimon



Sadly, Aspen's political chickens have come home to roost. It was only a matter of time. The continual election of woke progressives and socialists with no viable work experience or worldview has finally manifested itself into a fiefdom of idealism, where real-world problems are addressed with BLM marches, cash handouts and sanctuary city policies.
I've recently learned that even the Aspen Music Festival has fallen prey to the "vaccines don't matter" ideology (they're cordoning off spaces on the lawn, OUTSIDE the music tent, lest people sit too closely together).
My sad prediction is that The People's Republic of Aspen will be among the last jurisdictions to reinstate personal responsibility as a guide for regaining lost freedoms in the post-COVID world.
Our elected (and appointed) leaders are simply too addicted to and empowered by the power we so quickly and blindly relinquished to them.
Read my column in yesterday's Aspen Times HERE.




ISSUE #190: Selling Aspen's Slums  3/28/21

"Several generations of slum environment will produce a slum heredity." -- Albion Fellows Bacon


Aspen's housing program is in crisis, but the APCHA board displays little to no willingness to address it. This is likely due to a controversial decision in 2019 to change the make-up of the board to include four citizens and two elected officials each from city council and the BOCC. The conflicts of interest are glaring, not to mention many of the board members are also subsidized housing residents - a dangerous recipe for self-dealing.
Our housing stock is rapidly deteriorating, we are selling uninhabitable units to innocent housing lottery winners and passing on the costs of unit fixes and overdue maintenance to future owners. Increasingly, the fixes are more costly than the purchase price.
HERE is an alarming account of just how bad it is. And HERE is a letter to the editor from former housing director Mike Kosdrosky who now privately consults with other jurisdictions how NOT to run their subsidized housing programs into the ground the way Aspen has.
The APCHA board has met to discuss these issues but cannot decide what to do. Read about this unacceptable inertia HERE.
The program is clearly not going to fix itself. That much is clear. Please join me in emailing the APCHA board to share your disgust with the program oversight and management, and with a request to take the immediate and necessary actions to change policy to include: a program census, inspections of all units prior to sale, and a return to objective governance of APCHA. That would be a good start.
Read my column in today's Aspen Times HERE.




ISSUE #189: Dear John and Ward....  3/14/21

"The only thing we learn from new elections is we learned nothing from the old." - Proverb



The recent election wasn't even close. Two old-time locals nabbed the two available seats in the first round. Ward Hauenstein, despite his earlier promises to serve "one (term) and done," was re-elected when he opted to run for a second term, and local artist John Doyle will join him at the council table. Doyle, an acolyte of former mayor Mick Ireland, cinched his victory by targeting voters who had opposed the Gorsuch Haus/Lift 1A project that narrowly won in 2019. Perhaps that's a little insight into his political leanings?
Yesterday's column (read it HERE) is my congratulatory letter to John and Ward, with a couple of hot-button issues to consider right out of the gate.



Controversially dismissed by city manager Sara Ott, the former APCHA director is now consulting in the private sector. A recent post on his website soberly outlines the truths, trials and tribulations he faced from day one on the job. His departure is Aspen's loss - that is, unless you're a bureaucrat who also benefits from the program and therefore cannot objectively see what's wrong, or a housing scofflaw! Echoing much of what I regularly write about APCHA, Mike Kosdrosky's firsthand account of trying to modernize and reform Aspen's now 3100-unit housing portfolio and its institutional lack of transparency is an eye-opening shocker. We have a serious housing CRISIS, and it has nothing to do with lack of units. Read his blog entry HERE.





ISSUE #188: The tax man cometh, but where does the money go? 2/28/21

"It is a good thing that we do not get as much government as we pay for." -- Will Rogers



Today's column takes a line-by-line look at Pitkin County property taxes, specifically the haul by various entities and the pittance allocated to others. When our tax dollars go dramatically against what we state are our community priorities and values, perhaps we should all take a closer look at our annual bills and let our elected representatives know how we feel. (I just did.)
Read today's column HERE.




ISSUE #187: A Mark for common sense on council  2/14/21

"Instead of politicians, let the monkeys govern the countries; at least they will steal only the bananas." 
-- Mehmet Murat ildan




Ahhh, it's municipal election season. Again. As predicted, this year's campaign season is predictably dull, but the two council seats we need to fill warrant your attention. And participation.
As I often advocate, this year, on the first ballot, I again recommend "bullet-voting" for a candidate who represents the business community. Let's get this guy on in the first round.
On the heels of the pandemic, and with all the cries for more subsidized housing, subsidized childcare and more government handouts, it's time for a rational, common-sense business operator to weigh in.
And it warrants repeating, this is NOT a popularity contest. Nor is it a judgment of who is or isn't "a good guy." When we are talking a $140 million annual city budget, we actually need some actual skill sets on this board, as well as people who are not idealistic dreamers with their heads in the clouds and others who are crippled by analysis paralysis.
Read my column in today's Aspen Times HERE.




ISSUE #186: A Confederate flag, a swastika and a MAGA hat  1/31/21

"It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln



Today's column is a call for action by the sitting city council against one of their own, Skippy Mesirow, who manages to miss the mark with increasing regularity when it comes to his political posts on social media. Most recently, he posted a meme that he apparently thought was funny. It wasn't. But equally troubling is that council is reticent (afraid?) to censure him. As a result, his unacceptable behavior continues.
As I learned today after my column ran, many in our community feel that traditional symbols of hate are more than just okay when used against conservatives and their opinions. I was told that they are necessary. Never in nearly 13 years of publishing The Red Ant have I been so eviscerated by such vile and hateful emails, and that is saying a lot. In calling Skippy out for his tasteless and thoughtless post and questioning anyone who posts confederate flags and swastikas on social media, according to some, I am now the racist, anti-semite, white supremacist for bringing it up.
These are lovely times we are living in indeed.
Read my column in today's Aspen Times HERE.




ISSUE #185: How About Some 2021 Electioneering?  1/17/21

"We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate." -- Thomas Jefferson


With the municipal elections a mere six weeks away, it's another predictably boring election season. Can the addition of 7 new candidates bring some much-needed excitement to the race for mayor and two open council seats??
Read my column from Sunday's Aspen Times HERE.