ISSUE #186: A Confederate flag, a swastika and a MAGA hat 1/31/21

"It is better to be silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.” – Abraham Lincoln
Today's column is a call for action by the sitting city council against one of their own, Skippy Mesirow, who manages to miss the mark with increasing regularity when it comes to his political posts on social media. Most recently, he posted a meme that he apparently thought was funny. It wasn't. But equally troubling is that council is reticent (afraid?) to censure him. As a result, his unacceptable behavior continues.
As I learned today after my column ran, many in our community feel that traditional symbols of hate are more than just okay when used against conservatives and their opinions. I was told that they are necessary. Never in nearly 13 years of publishing The Red Ant have I been so eviscerated by such vile and hateful emails, and that is saying a lot. In calling Skippy out for his tasteless and thoughtless post and questioning anyone who posts confederate flags and swastikas on social media, according to some, I am now the racist, anti-semite, white supremacist for bringing it up.
These are lovely times we are living in indeed.
Read my column in today's Aspen Times HERE.