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ISSUE #187: A Mark for common sense on council  2/14/21

"Instead of politicians, let the monkeys govern the countries; at least they will steal only the bananas." 
-- Mehmet Murat ildan




Ahhh, it's municipal election season. Again. As predicted, this year's campaign season is predictably dull, but the two council seats we need to fill warrant your attention. And participation.
As I often advocate, this year, on the first ballot, I again recommend "bullet-voting" for a candidate who represents the business community. Let's get this guy on in the first round.
On the heels of the pandemic, and with all the cries for more subsidized housing, subsidized childcare and more government handouts, it's time for a rational, common-sense business operator to weigh in.
And it warrants repeating, this is NOT a popularity contest. Nor is it a judgment of who is or isn't "a good guy." When we are talking a $140 million annual city budget, we actually need some actual skill sets on this board, as well as people who are not idealistic dreamers with their heads in the clouds and others who are crippled by analysis paralysis.
Read my column in today's Aspen Times HERE.



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