ISSUE #202: No COVID Test for You! (9/12/21)

"I hate prejudice, discrimination and snobbishness of any kind - it always reflects the person judging and not the person being judged. Everyone should be treated equally." -- Gordon Brown
My most recent column focused on a local private COVID testing center's refusal to administer a test because of the politics and personal choices of the person seeking one. It was national news and is a local disgrace. In response to my column, I received some of the most vile and hateful emails, attacking me for MY politics and wishing hideous things to happen to me for decrying this wrong. (Yes, via email, from people we all know.)
These letter-bombs do not daunt me in the least, but they do disgust me, just like discrimination on the basis of political preference and personal choice. I will continue to write on subjects that interest me and will always share exactly how I feel. I will name names where appropriate and always will.
Read my column in Sunday's Aspen Times HERE.
And, if perhaps you wonder if my personal Libertarian politics slanted my article to the point where it "went too far," please take a moment to read a column by my friend and colleague Meredith Carroll, who also writes for the Aspen Times. Our politics could not be more different, yet her take on the COVID test refusal is equally damning. Read it HERE.