ISSUE #196: For APCHA, Leadership is the Issue (6/20/21)

"If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarves. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, we shall become a company of giants."
-- David Ogilvy
Sunday's column reiterates the leadership vacuum at APCHA and the ill-conceived 2019 decision to seat elected representatives from both city council and the BOCC on the housing board. The inherent conflicts of interest are holding APCHA back.
Yet, hope springs eternal. The board recently and unanimously elected to change the housing guidelines to require a formal inspection of APCHA units prior to listing them for sale. The Red Ant has long advocated for such a move that, as of August 1, will begin to stem the deterioration of our housing inventory. No one will be able to list a pigsty for sale, and therefore there will be no more passing pigsties on to housing lottery winners! HOORAY!!
On the horizon for APHCA is the hiring of a new executive director. Read about the candidates HERE. As part of the 2019 restructuring, however, the ED will not report to the housing board but rather to the city manager, despite the fact that, by law, APCHA is neither a department of the city nor the county.
What could possibly go wrong?
Read my column HERE.