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ISSUE #184: PETITION - Keep Aspen Restaurants Open!  1/10/21

"People keep looking to government for the answer and government is the problem." 
-- Ronald Reagan




Please sign the attached petition to show your support for keeping Aspen's restaurants open! The Pitkin County Board of Health meets tomorrow (1/11/21) to decide whether or not to close our local restaurants in a heavy-handed attempt to curb COVID-19 cases.
Stop the madness and stop scape-goating Aspen's restaurants! If you don't want to go out to eat, fine, don't go, but don't put 1,500 people out of work. Let people make their own risk assessments regarding dining in our local restaurants!
Sign the petition HERE and help keep your friends (our neighbors) in business!
Locals, visitors and second homeowners - be heard today!!



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