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ISSUE #181: Ready, Fire, Aim - The Lumberyard Misses the Target 12/6/20

"How can you make sure you never miss your target? Shoot first and whatever you hit, call it the target." -- Anonymous


Council's internal battle over what to build at the Lumberyard and for whom wages on. While trying to build a project that is all things to all people, it's no surprise that there's no consensus and city staff is beyond frustrated.
Without a needs assessment to identify a target market, it's no wonder each member of council seeks to build his/her own wish list. As a result, today, it's a plan without a plan.
I can't say I'm surprised. The best thing at this point is what the project manager told them, "(Your) feedback was so all over the map that it might be time to reassess the entire design process.
Read my column in today's Aspen Times HERE.



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