ISSUE #174: Stack 'em Like Cordwood at the Lumberyard 8/31/20

"It can be difficult to speak truth to power. Circumstances, however, have made doing so increasingly necessary."
- Aberjhani
The city of Aspen owns a 10-acre parcel of land across from the airport that it purchased for $29 million from the housing fund. Given the outrageous over-spend (another relic of the Steve Barwick era), it is imperative that we develop this land in a manner that best meets the community's needs.
Rather than replicating yet another subsidized housing project where the community sells deed-restricted units to qualified workers and their families, this time, in this location, it's time to build high density rental units for the service industry workforce.
"The Lumberyard" represents the last large parcel of land available for subsidized housing in Aspen. The city will be conducting public outreach in September and October to assess the community's desires. Please make your opinion known.
Read my column from Sunday's Aspen Times HERE