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ISSUE #134: I MeANT to Tell You to Vote!!  5/23/2017

"While I can't promise you that I'm going to be a perfect candidate and I can't promise you that I'm not going to make mistakes, I can unequivocally promise you that no one, no one, will work harder on your behalf, no one will fight harder with you and no one will make you more proud."   
Alexi Giannoulias


As predicted, it was a low turnout election.  Of approximately 6400 registered voters in Aspen, 5426 are considered "active," and of those, only 2413 cast a ballot on May 2 in Aspen's recent municipal election.
Congratulations to Steve Skadron, re-elected (no surprise) to his third and final mayoral term with 1875 of the votes cast (challenger Lee Mulcahy received 378 and another 160 left the mayoral "bubble" blank), and incumbent Ann Mullins, who garnered 1108 votes, enough to be re-elected to her second council term in the first round.  As a result of no other candidate reaching the 45% plus one threshold, the No. 2 and No. 3 vote getters in the 6-person field will face a run-off for the one remaining council seat on June 6:  Torre (with 972 votes) and Ward Hauenstein (who captured 894).

Ballots will again be mailed to all active voters in the city last week.  Early voting will be held from 8a to 5p, Monday - Friday, from May 22 through June 5 at the city clerk's office on the second floor of City Hall (130 S. Galena), including from 9a to 3p on Saturday, June 3.
You may also request an absentee ballot by completing THIS form and returning it to the clerk's office.  Forms must be received by June 2 in order for a ballot to be sent out to you.
PLEASE take the time to vote in this run-off election.  Yes, it matters.  A lot.  And your vote most certainly counts!
Questions?  Please contact the city clerk at (970) 429-2685.

I'm not going to change a thing endorsement-wise.  The June 6 ballot has two names on it and I encourage you to again vote for Ward Hauenstein -- for many reasons.  Let's face it, we know of a few issues facing council in the near-term, but no one can predict which critical issues will arise to challenge council in the next four years.  Given that two of the three incumbents running for re-election were successful, NOW is the time for a new voice at the council table to change the dynamic and bring fresh ideas and perspective to the debate.  Aspen needs a council member with the right qualities to handle ANY issue in the community's best interest.  Both candidates are eligible, but only Ward is qualified.  Specifically:
  • Proven leadership when leadership is needed:  Ward's willingness to stand up and speak truth to power was evident when, as a private citizen, he led the successful petition efforts and subsequent campaigns to challenge council decisions and defeat both the Hydro Plant (2012) and the Base 2 lodge (2015).
  • Strong on the issues:  Ward is committed to protecting local businesses from predatory practices (such as implementing legal ramifications for businesses who "stiff" local vendors), retaining Aspen's water rights but opposing dams (by looking at alternative water storage solutions and locations), and developing innovative ideas to optimize workforce housing (support for a program census, encouraging compliance enforcement, offering incentives for "right-sizing," and requiring owner maintenance of the existing physical structures) in order to protect this $1 billion community asset.
  • Mature and open-minded:  Ward has a well-known track record of being accessible, receptive to all viewpoints, honest in his dealings and willing to change his mind.
  • A principled and deep thinker:  Ward is interested, informed, engaged and prepared.  He will not only read your emails, he will give them proper consideration and thoughtfully respond.
  • Independent in his opinions:  Ward recognizes merit and goodwill in all sides of the issues. He knows how to accept criticism without personalizing it, while still being willing and able to test the status quo and challenge what doesn't pass the smell test.
  • A local small business owner:  Ward's decades of experience owning and running a local, small computer company has given him unique perspective through his regular interface with Aspen's local businesses. This personal access has provided him with insight and a first-hand understanding of the ongoing and evolving challenges faced by those, like himself, who are doing their very best to make a living in Aspen.
  • Dedicated to his family:  Ward met his school teacher wife Mimi in the Bell Mountain Lift line.  They have two grown daughters who were educated in the Aspen Public Schools, graduated from top colleges (Tufts and Brown), and are active and productive young women with interesting careers and strong ties to their hometown.
  • Active in Aspen Chapel:  Ward's commitment to Aspen extends well beyond his family, his business and his civic activism. He is also a compassionate leader and dedicated volunteer in his faith community.
I'll be sharing some fascinating voter turn-out facts and data (and some "you can't make this sh*t up" stories) once this one is in the rearview mirror!

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