ISSUE #116: Render Mick IrrelevANT

"An election is a moral horror, as bad as a battle except for the blood; a mud bath for every soul concerned in it
." -- George Bernard Shaw
WE'VE GOT OURSELVES A RUN-OFF ON JUNE 2 Bert Myrin was just 10 votes short of winning a council seat outright in the May 5 election, finishing in second place behind Adam Frisch with 994 votes. He was notably 181 votes ahead of Mick Ireland. The two now face off in a run-off where the winner takes all and will serve on council for the next 4 years. Now it's our turn. There is no good reason to allow Mick another stint in elected office in Aspen. He has served tirelessly as a county commissioner (three 4-year terms) and as mayor of Aspen (three 2-year terms). It's simply time for a fresh voice. Besides, is it really possible for someone who has been mayor for 6 years to resist the urge to run the show!?! Please take 2 minutes to vote, vote for Bert Myrin and do it today!! The run-off will be Tuesday, June 2. This too will be a mail-in ballot election; ballots were mailed out on May 15. Look for yours. Early voting begins on May 18 at City Hall. Don't procrastinate!! If you know you will be out of town during the election season, please complete the absentee ballot request form HERE. The post office will not forward ballots! Be sure to check the box indicating that you need a RUN-OFF ballot. Questions? Please call the city clerk at 970-429-2685.
BERT MYRIN FOR COUNCIL: TOP 10 REASONS TO VOTE FOR HIM 10. Bert listens to others' opinions 9. Bert considers how his decisions affect others 8. Bert gets things done 7. Bert is approachable 6. Bert respects speaking and meeting time limits 5. Bert takes disagreements in stride 4. Bert is friendly to citizens of all political viewpoints 3. Bert is smart 2. Bert does his homework
And the number one reason to vote for Bert Myrin: 1. Bert's will be a fresh, new voice on council
IN ADDITION On a personal note, I have worked with Bert (specifically on defeating the Hydro Plant) and, while our politics are not always in line, I found this unlikely collaboration to be an efficient, strategic and goal-oriented experience. Not to mention, successful. I learned A LOT from Bert and will be forever grateful for his guidance with that process. For those of you who opposed the Hydro Plant, that's yet another reason to support his candidacy! We have just elected two incumbents. It's time for a new voice on council -- Bert's.
WHAT CAN YOU DO TO HELP? Whether you want Bert to win or Mick to lose, your endorsement of Bert could really help A LOT. Many people I have contacted have said they will vote for Bert and additionally urge their friends to do so. This is good, but for Bert to win and Mick to lose, we're going to have to do even more than that. It will require pressing ALL the mechanical levers of the campaign. In Aspen elections, being able to show A LOT of endorsements is one important lever. Please consider endorsing Bert, which means he would include your name in his ads. (Yes, I'm on his list.) You can do so by replying to this email and I will forward it to Bert.
800 VOTED FOR MICK IN MAY: YOUR VOTE FOR BERT COUNTS BIG! For those who cannot take a little humor, this isn't for you... Mick has long been the political nemesis of The Red Ant, therefore, I won't throw any softballs. I don't want him re-elected to anything. No way, no how. Here is an anonymously submitted riff on the "Top 10 Reasons to Vote for Bert" (above):
10. Bert is NOT an insufferable bore 9. Bert is NOT narcissistic 8. Bert is NOT the only person in the room with a worthwhile opinion 7. Bert wears normal clothes and glasses to business meetings 6. Bert DOESN'T suck the oxygen out of all discussions 5. Bert DOESN'T call people bad names just for disagreeing with him 4. Bert DOESN'T weave lectures on Citizens United and Climate Change into zoning discussions 3. Bert DOESN'T constantly remind everyone he went to law school 2. Bert DOESN'T consistently exceed his allotted speaking time
And the number one reason to vote for Bert Myrin: 1. Bert DOESN'T troll the Saturday Market in spandex bike clothes reminding chicks "I'm the Mayor."
Furthermore, it's time to send Mick a message once and for all. We're SICK OF MICK. I am. You are. Aspen is. Check out the website if you need a refresher as to why! |