IRV -- Aspen Reconsiders on November 3 (Don't Forget to Vote)

Aspen voters will tell City Hall how they feel about continuing to use the IRV method for municipal elected office, which was used for the first time in May.
Whether or not you liked the outcome, you probably have views on the methodology. Did you understand it? Do you know whether yours was one of the 17% of the ballots not counted in the Council race runoff?
This site will be used to collect information and opinions regarding IRV and the upcoming advisory vote in November’s mail in ballot election. DON’T FORGET THAT 61 CENTS POSTAGE IS REQUIRED ON YOUR RETURN BALLOT. (that information is not on the ballot.)
October 14th Aspen Times has two columns expressing views on IRV. Please share your opinions. We encourage you to identify yourself and avoid screen names which can lead to irresponsible on line comments, which will be deleted. We’re happy for spirited, even controversial discussions. But we will insist that the comments remain on topic and avoid personal attacks.
Andy Stone: A Stone's Throw
My uncle Irv messed up Aspen's elections
Andy Stone
Wednesday, October 14, 2009 Aspen Times
Feel free to post comments, as I've posted mine below.
The Red Ant information below has all the data on the litigation Andy references:
Su Lum: Slumming
Time for November election endorsements
The Aspen Times
Aspen, CO Colorado
Feel free to post your comments (with your name please) below as I've posted mine.
You Tube IRV!
Don't feel that you know enough about IRV? See some of these just produced videos, which are actually totally fun to watch.See entry on IRV YouTube below.
Reader Comments (5)
yes, Rob, I'm saying that Aspen Voters cannot learn about their choices in one round of voting nearly as well as they can with a tranditional run off system. Even our mayor acknowledges that that was one of the realistic results of IRV. Too many candidates (13) for a small press to follow. You are right about ideally learning enough BEFORE the first election, but the world is not ideal, and we basically have only limited media coverage here---two newspapers with shrinking staff and pages.
"Ireland said he has mixed feelings. On one hand, the results come in quicker and IRV doesn't require an extra month of campaigning, as has been the case in the city's traditional June runoff election. But the mayor agrees that the nine City Council candidates who ran this past spring didn't get enough exposure; the additional month before the June runoff could have given the top vote-getters more time to distinguish themselves." --Aspen Times
"Councilman Torre has publicly stated his opposition to IRV because he likes having an extra month to learn about candidates"--aspen times
I have heard Ireland joke with Johnson recently saying that he (the mayor) attended all the CC public information sessions, and read everything in the paper and there was so little time with 9 CC candidates that he knew little more about Johnson than that he had kids and coached footballl. I knew every canddiate personally, and read everything and attended all events. And because of the lack of time for any issue coverage, I had little idea on the candidates' positions in most cases.
I believe that that is the most serious flaw in IRV!