Archived Ants

Are YOU Qualified for City Council? Take the Test Here... Issue #14

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See how you stack up against expectations the current Council has for their soon-to-be-appointed colleague.

The process sounded good when The Ant first read about it. Council is to fill the open seat with a "transparent process" of evaluating applications, narrowing the field, asking for written responses to a list of questions, and then a personal interview in public.

In practice, the process/scoring system to select the finalists, as well as the number of finalists to be considered, were apparently determined in closed session, and not explained to the applicants nor the public. The five finalists have been asked to answer 22 questions in writing. Make your own judgments when you see the questions.

We had expected questions about education, training, career experience, decision-making experience, potential conflicts of interests, prior public service, management experience and other positions of leadership.

Instead, The Red Ant was astonished to read the actual questions put forth, including Jack Johnson's question "How would you behave on City Council if you had evidence someone appearing before Council was lying?" Additionally, the incumbents up for re-election in May (Mayor Ireland and Councilman Jack Johnson) attempt to elicit a promise on whether or not the applicant will run for office next May. And please note the partisan and sarcastic reference to Sarah Palin.

Take the ApplicANT's test yourself, anonymously. We have renumbered the list of Council questions, putting the more "interesting" ones first. The questions as posed by Council were almost all open ended questions, therefore, in order to more easily compile results, WE CRAFTED POTENTIAL MULTIPLE CHOICE RESPONSES. But the questions are as posed by Council.

Here's the rather fun and anonymous test we created using the Council's official questions:

If you don't want to take the test, and just want to see the questions, go to and note the link for the questions at the top right hand side of page.

While you are there, feel free to weigh in on the process or the candidates under consideration.

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    Lovely page, Continue the great work. Thank you.
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    Are YOU Qualified for City Council? Take the Test Here... Issue #14 - The Red Ant - The Red Ant
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    Are YOU Qualified for City Council? Take the Test Here... Issue #14 - The Red Ant - The Red Ant
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    Are YOU Qualified for City Council? Take the Test Here... Issue #14 - The Red Ant - The Red Ant
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    After you have chosen to utilize either an unbiased, exposition or both goal and article test, the subsequent stage is to choose the kind(s) of objective or paper thing that you wish to remember for the test. To assist you with settling on such a decision, the various types of objective ...

Reader Comments (9)

Following from Aspen Daily News, Lynn Burton Column
Oct 8, 2008.
Posted by M. Marks

Wacky as Houpt’s endorsements are, they can’t compare to the 23 questions the Aspen City Council is asking applicants for the late J.E. DeVilbiss’ seat. The questions range from hypothetical to absurd, including this one: “Which part of intense media scrutiny, 400 page memos and 7 hour meetings interests you?”

Question No. 17 asks: “If chosen, will you promise to run (or not run) in May for a full term?” Uh … let’s see. How do you figure incumbents Jack Johnson and Mick Ireland might use this answer if they run again, and the soon-to-be appointed City Council member goes against the “promise” not to run? Is this question just giving them a campaign issue to keep up their sleeve? Are Johnson and Ireland less inclined to add or not add someone to the council whom they might have to run against next May? Is question No. 17 pretty much the craziest thing you’ve ever read?

Question No. 16 is a good one. “How would you behave on City Council if you had evidence someone appearing before council was lying to it?” (Note to applicants: If you want the job, do not answer, “I’d start yelling at them like Mayor Mick Ireland does sometimes and then berate them and act all snippy like council sometimes does.”)

Question No. 13 asks, “What conditions would have to be present for you to exercise the condemnation powers of the city council? The moratorium powers? The emergency powers?” (Note to applicants: If you want the job, do not answer, “Conditions? No conditions! We’re the Aspen City Council! We can do whatever we want! We don’t need any conditions! What, are you nuts?”)

The City Council questions, wacky as they are, do make for great fodder for you letters-to-the-editor writers out there. If you’d like to check them out, go to

One final note: Why didn’t the City Council put former City Councilman Torre on the short list? Torre knows how the city works. You’d think the City Council would want someone they don’t have to bring up to speed.

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