Are YOU Qualified for City Council? Take the Test Here... Issue #14


Because the local papers have a farther reach than The Red Ant, this sent to both local papers:
Dear Editor:
Often the questions we ask reveal a lot about us. Such is the case with the twenty-two question take-home test our City Council requires of each of the five finalists for the open seat on Council.
Apparently the Council considers political leanings and positions on local issues to be more important than decision making skills, leadership experience, past public service and teamwork skills. See the 22 rather surprising Council-crafted questions at and make your own judgment. Consider how you would respond if asked these questions.
Neither the applications nor the questions require any information on education, personal history, background, career experience, but especially potential conflicts of interests. Apply for an account at The Miner’s Building and you’ll have to give more information than for a City Council seat! Could it be that Council members feel that they know the finalists and their personal affairs so well that such inquiry is unnecessary? Hmmm.
Apparently the Council believes that they are being “lied to” by citizens, and go so far as to ask how a candidate would react. (Perhaps they’re looking for a new member to help abuse citizens when they dare to challenge Council direction, which some Council members characterize as “misrepresentation.”)
One of the more appalling questions is asking candidates for a commitment as to whether or not they’ll run for Council in May, 2009, when Mick and Jack may be running as incumbents. The mere notion of trying to influence the race as part of this process appears to be self-serving governance and unadorned politics. Such a question should cause us all to question the appropriateness of these governance standards. And especially, why we tolerate such low standards.
Our City Council is elected - based on Charter requirements - to avoid political party partisan politics. Regardless of which presidential slate we support, Democrats, Republicans and Independents alike are offended by the partisan nature of the final question of the 22. Whether it is an attempt to elicit the candidate’s position on presidential politics or a juvenile attempt at humor, it has no place on a formal questionnaire for Council decision making.
We will gain interesting insights into how our Council views their roles, responsibilities, and priorities as we watch them appoint the next Council member. Let’s hope that they invite Grassroots TV to film the public interviews with the Council candidates, and reinforce their stated commitment to transparency.
Regardless of the outcome, the nineteen citizens who volunteered for this huge effort of public service deserve our appreciation and acknowledgment.
Marilyn Marks
Aspen,. CO
Reader Comments (9)
Vetting the City Council candidates
Once again the “curse of Lincoln” (it took Abe nine tries to win an election) has sent me packing. While some of the candidates make sense, a few baffle me. With that said, I want to first focus on the 22.5 questions candidates are being asked to answer. Questions that are supposed to guide our elected officials down the path to a good choice for the next six months. Questions about: affordable housing (we have no money), the Entrance to Aspen (not an issue prior to the May elections), a candidates’ intention to run for office in May (is that a qualification?), condemnation (government at its worst), and lying to council (I am shocked), make up the “sacred 22.”
I’d like to suggest a mere six questions that would generate the same result. They are:
1. Because Burlingame is family oriented, should Disney be brought in as a partner to finish the build out?
2. Do you think city government should micromanage pricing and competition to drive Prada out of town?
3. Would you consider condemning your neighbor’s property if they did not pick up after their dog?
4. Would you be willing to say, “liar, liar, pants on fire” out loud in the name of transparency?
5. How would you solve the Entrance to Aspen problem in the next six months? Limit your answer to 10,000 typed words, and include funding solutions.
6. What is your favorite color? Why?
Note: I would stipulate the candidate answers would be judged on what the current majority on City Council wants to hear, independent thought will be graded accordingly, and grammar counts for 15 percent of your grade.
Finally this: I understand why I was passed over by a majority of the current “deciders,” (they think I pick on them) but what about Cliff Weiss? Sure, Jim Pomeroy is a nice guy, and makes a good brownie, but where has he been? Weiss has put his name on the ballot, serves on numerous boards and committees, and is a longtime local. I hope he wasn’t passed over because we became “friends” during the Lift One COWOP meetings. Sorry, Cliff.
Andrew Kole