Aspen Gov't. MY Way

Mayor Mick Rejects the CEO (Council-Manager) Form of Local Government
And declares that the City should not operate like a business.
August 26,2008
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Reader Comments (5)
Mick's statement and belief that Aspen government "should not be run like a business" is probably a good explanation as to how we end up with fiascos like Burlingame and the (yet again) under-estimated costs of the new government space (currently percolating in city hall).
I'd like to suggest that we would all benefit from more professional (yes, business) management skills in our city government. We appear to think that Aspen should be run like small town yesteryear even though it has grown into a large size community. If our mayor is not ready for for this concept it might be time for him to move out of the way.
Liz, perhaps much of what you say is true. I won't disagree with that. Wouldn't you say that not just democrats but republicans alike have also manipulated the political system? Perhaps the dems. are just trying to level the playing field with getting away with mass assault on the american people just like the repubs have (book, "free lunch"). Perhaps the craziness of staunch Republican parents can drive us to act, do, and say things, which isn't our true identity. We are sometimes minions and puppets of all the pent up frustrations our parents carry. I know that was me but now I found out what I really think, feel, and believe and not just how I was raised to think. I can't be a republican a republican or a dem. unless I walk in my own shoes first and see how the other half live. Then I can decide. At the end of the day, and of life, are you going to feel good about trying to take down a lot of people in an inharmonious manner? I believe in God. No, this is not a gov't for the people, not Republican nor Democrate have my interest at heart. I'm an independent. Hatred alone does no good. Reach people in a different way if you really want to bring people to listen to you and to change. No fancy language, the average person can't keep up with sophisticated lingo. Find you and be at peace.
Great info thanks for sharing
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