ISSUE #189: Dear John and Ward....  3/14/21
March 15

"The only thing we learn from new elections is we learned nothing from the old." - Proverb



The recent election wasn't even close. Two old-time locals nabbed the two available seats in the first round. Ward Hauenstein, despite his earlier promises to serve "one (term) and done," was re-elected when he opted to run for a second term, and local artist John Doyle will join him at the council table. Doyle, an acolyte of former mayor Mick Ireland, cinched his victory by targeting voters who had opposed the Gorsuch Haus/Lift 1A project that narrowly won in 2019. Perhaps that's a little insight into his political leanings?
Yesterday's column (read it HERE) is my congratulatory letter to John and Ward, with a couple of hot-button issues to consider right out of the gate.



Controversially dismissed by city manager Sara Ott, the former APCHA director is now consulting in the private sector. A recent post on his website soberly outlines the truths, trials and tribulations he faced from day one on the job. His departure is Aspen's loss - that is, unless you're a bureaucrat who also benefits from the program and therefore cannot objectively see what's wrong, or a housing scofflaw! Echoing much of what I regularly write about APCHA, Mike Kosdrosky's firsthand account of trying to modernize and reform Aspen's now 3100-unit housing portfolio and its institutional lack of transparency is an eye-opening shocker. We have a serious housing CRISIS, and it has nothing to do with lack of units. Read his blog entry HERE.




Article originally appeared on The Red Ant (
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