ISSUE #169: Subsidized Housing: A privilege at a time when privilege is a bad thing 6/21/20
July 19

"What separates privilege from entitlement is gratitude."

   - Brené Brown




You'd think that a global pandemic and ensuing financial crisis would humble even the most idealistic politician. But not city councilman Skippy Mesirow. As our local governments continue to throw good money after bad at local issues, Mesirow leans even farther forward with woke and uber-progressive concepts to reform local institutions like APCHA. You'd think the crises of 2020 had dropped squarely into his lap so that he could show us how easily our culture can be transformed.
The Red Ant sees all of his virtue-signaling and political pandering for what it is ... a danger to established community values. While others are distracted, toiling for their very survival, Mesirow is affecting governance by weaseling his righteous indignation into critical policy documents. Buyer beware.
Read my column in today's Aspen Times HERE



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