"The science increasingly shows that the measures we have taken in the last few weeks have been both harmful - with freedoms lost, money spent, livelihoods destroyed - and pointless."
- R. R. Reno
Aspen has mandated the wearing of face masks in public, which if this is what it takes to open local businesses, fine by me. Look for these to become the norm for the foreseeable future.
I have closely followed the Pitkin County Board of Health and its Public Health Orders throughout the pandemic. The latest COVID-19 response is called "Box It In" and is all wrong for Aspen. It's a political strategy, not a scientific one, which stands to quarantine large numbers of our populace regardless of whether or not they are sick. There is still a huge focus on keeping the virus out of Aspen.
Thankfully, the science shows a far less deadly situation than we had originally feared. Individuals need to take personal responsibility and make their own risk assessments. Our lifeblood is tourism, and getting back to business should be our number one priority.
Read my column in today's Aspen Times
* I'm attaching a letter HERE from respected restaurateur and community member Jimmy Yeager who wrote to the powers that be and his colleagues this past week. It's a sobering and heart-wrenching look at what our local restaurants are up against.
* The Red Ant gives credit where credit is due. Many thanks to Mayor Torre and County Commissioners Greg Poschman and Patti Clapper for their convincing advocacy of local businesses, especially restaurants and lodges. Your strong support for earlier-than-anticipated openings stands to save businesses and livelihoods.
* Please continue to support our local businesses, now more than ever.
Article originally appeared on The Red Ant (http://www.theredant.com/).
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