ELECTION 2020: How The Red Ant Votes  10/11/20
October 13
Your Pitkin County ballot was mailed on Friday, October 9.  Look for this in your mailbox this week and vote EARLY. This is a mail ballot election, however I strongly suggest you drop your ballot in one of the official drop-boxes:
To confirm your voter registration, go to www.GoVoteColorado.com and feel free to share this voter guide with your friends and family.
Your ballot must be RECEIVED BY 7p on Election Day. Postmarks do not count!
To track your submitted ballot, click HERE
Contrary to precedent, The Red Ant is going to steer clear of sharing my votes for most federal and state offices. I learned in the past that while the following is meant merely as a list of "how I am voting," some readers truly lost their minds at my selections and were triggered that I shared my entire ballot with The Red Ant readership. Frankly, I don't need the blowback - I'm just sharing because many of you rely on it and trust me to do the work. Therefore, snowflakes, for the most part, you're safe.  
Here are my 2020 picks for county office and the judiciary, as well as state and local ballot measures: 
United States Senator
County Commissioner - District 3
County Commissioner - District 4
County Commissioner - District 5
Retain Colorado Supreme Court Justice Melissa Hart?
Retain Colorado Supreme Court Justice Carlos A. Samour Jr?
Retain Colorado Court of Appeals Judge Ted C. Tow III?
Retain Colorado Court of Appeals Judge Craig R. Welling?
Retain District Court Judge Denise K. Lynch?
Colorado Amendment B: Repeal of the Gallagher Amendment
Colorado Amendment C: Conduct of Charitable Gaming 
Colorado Amendment 76: Citizenship Qualification of Electors
Colorado Amendment 77: Local Voter Approval of Gaming Limits
Colorado Proposition EE: Cigarette Tobacco and Nicotine Products Tax
Colorado Proposition 113: National Popular Vote
Colorado Proposition 114: Restoration of Gray Wolves
Colorado Proposition 115: Prohibition of Late Term Abortions
Colorado Proposition 116: State Income Tax Rate Reduction
Colorado Proposition 117: Voter Approval Req for Fee-based Enterprises
Colorado Proposition 118: Payroll Tax for Paid Family and Medical Leave
Town of Snowmass Village Issue 2A: Renewal of Education-based Prop Tax
City of Aspen Issue 2B: Renewal of Existing Sales Tax for Education
Aspen School District Issue 4A: Housing and Capital Facilities Bond
Colorado River Water Conservation Dist Ballot Issue 7A: Prop Tax Increase
Article originally appeared on The Red Ant (http://www.theredant.com/).
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