Issue # 41 .... ObservANT of City Hall
May 16


Aaahhh, city manager Steve Barwick.... The Red Ant cringes to report that our naïve and complacent electors (4/5 of them; Skadron was absent) unanimously voted recently to provide Barwick with an employment contract with the city worth over $170,000 annually.  The contract notably prevents Barwick from "committing an act of gross negligence or malfeasance."  In his 11 years in this role, Barwick, who works at the direction and discretion of council, has never had a contract.  He has asked for a contract before, but previous councils recognized the potential political pitfalls of granting one due to Barwick's spotty record as city manager.  Barwick is the city manager who:

 Each of these issues (obvious "acts of gross negligence and malfeasance," in The Red Ant's book) was presented to council prior to their consideration of Barwick's annual request.  I know because I presented them.  But the contract was a foregone conclusion, which should surprise no one.  In their sadly predictable fashion, council immediately jumped to the defense of Barwick, making excuses for him and his job performance to-date:

Citizens of Aspen, your elected council DOES NOT want you to criticize the local government.  Especially with the hard truths.  The Red Ant is committed to shining a bright light on efforts to silence the electorate while perpetuating cronyism and rewarding mediocrity with your taxpayer dollars!


And, in late-breaking news, the Aspen Daily News reports that $475,000, generated in a 2004 public-private "land-lease" agreement between the city and the developers of Obermeyer Place, has gone "unaccounted for."  While the city did not "collect" on the lease of city-owned land that was used by the developers during construction, the developers were on the hook for $475,000 in public improvements -- 13 items were listed to satisfy the requirement, but the Aspen recycle center at Rio Grande Park was the primary focus.  Nobody can clear up the issue -- Helen is no longer mayor, and the city's asset director and assistant city manager have long-since left their positions.  Current assistant city manager Randy Ready states that the work was done and all was reconciled, but with the staff turnover, there are no records.  At press time, Obermeyer is digging for its records to show how the money was spent.

C'mon people!  Leave Helen and the former employees alone.  Just ask Barwick!  He's been in his role as city manager (a.k.a. CEO of the city of Aspen) for 11 years now.  And given that he has just been rewarded with a nice employment contract for his "job well done," surely he can quickly and thoroughly fill in the blanks and put the whole issue to rest.  Or can he?  A former city employee who was close to the issue tells The Red Ant, "The city manager's office's decision to handle the Obermeyer improvements off the city's books is typical of the 'outcome-based' culture of that office.  Work was probably done (environmental health, site work, planning and design) but at what cost? And how was the money really spent?  Since the the funding did not pass through the city's books, I am not surprised that they're having difficulty proving it."  

While Mick vows to "get to the bottom of it" and go after Obermeyer if records can't be produced, Barwick is currently preparing to spend $175,000 of your tax dollars in coming weeks on paving, landscaping and security cameras at the recycle center.  (Yes, council approved this!)  It appears to The Red Ant that Barwick just wants to finish the recycle center this spring and sweep the missing $475,000 issue under the rug.  Kudos to the Aspen Daily News for breaking this story!    The Red Ant will follow it (and Barwick) closely!  "Afterall," The Red Ant says, "it happened on his watch!"


To briefly follow up on Issue # 40, "VacANT," The Red Ant is pleased to report that the D-19 space and Popcorn Wagon are under new ownership.  Hope springs eternal that the return of these Aspen favorites is indicative of a trend toward renewed vitality in the commercial core!  And yum, popcorn!


 Regardless of where you stand on the issue, The Aspen Club's timeshare expansion proposal came before council Monday night for the SIXTH time since January!  And council predictably punted once more.  It seems Mick can't vote yes on this land-use question until the deal includes a mandate that current owners/investors are restricted from selling until the development is complete.  Aspen Club owner Michael Fox wondered aloud what this had to do with the "public benefit" of the proposal.  (Public benefit being a key component of land-use applications.)

In discussions, councilman Romero made the City Council "Ya Think" Statement of 2010 (to-date): "I think this is over-reaching from the government sector to the private sector....We should be looking at this for its strengths and merits as a land-use application, not on the strengths and merits of the applicant."  Ya think??


 The Red Ant will keep you posted and opine on the issues, and always welcomes your feedback and input

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