The Red Ant would like to thank Paul Menter of the Aspen Community Foundation for skillfully moderating the forum, and the following community leaders who made the time to inform and educate Aspen and Pitkin County voters on the issues:
1A: Sales Tax for Healthy Rivers and Streams (Pro: Rachel Richards, County Commissioner / Con: Kevin Patrick, Water Attorney)
1B: Dedicated Funding for County Roads (Pro: George Newman, BOCC Candidate, Distict / Con: Shellie Roy, BOCC Candidate, District 3)
1C: Pitkin County Land Exchange (Pro: Patti Clapper, County Commissioner)
2E: Extension of Sales Tax for Housing and Day Care (Pro: Katherine Sand, Kids First board member / Con: Mike Maple, Construction Experts Group member)
2F: Extension of (RETT) Real Estate Transfer Tax (Pro: Ward Hauenstein, Housing Subcommittee Chair of the Citizens Budget Task Force / Con: Tim Semrau, former Aspen City Council member and mayoral candidate)
2G: Burlingame Density (300: Don Davidson, Citizens Budget Task Force member / 236: Cliff Weiss, member Planning and Zoning Commission)
3A: Property Tax Increase for School Technology and Transportation (Pro: Diana Sirko, Aspen Superintendant of Schools)
3B: Property Tax Increase for School District Employee Housing (Pro: Diana Sirko / Con: Don Davidson, CPA)
4A: Sales Tax for (RFTA) Roaring Fork Transit Authority (Pro: Dan Richardson, former RFTA board member / Con: Paul Menter, Former City of Aspen Finance Director)
And last, but certainly not least, the BOCC candidates:
District 3: Shellie Roy
District 4: Bruce Anderson and Jack Hatfield
District 5: Dee Malone and George Newman
The following were invited to speak but declined to attend or participate. Here's why:
- Mayor Mick Ireland would not participate without knowing who all the sponsors would be.
- Councilman Steve Skadron would not participate since the event was "not sponsored by a local newspaper."
- Councilman Jack Johnson "didn't want to give (The Red Ant) credibility" because he doesn't like "the way The Red Ant riles people up."
- BOCC incumbent and candidate for re-election Michael Owsley tried unsuccessfully to derail the event and discredit forum organizers by making nonsensical claims about "axe-grinding" and complaints about not being given enough time to speak.
Over 75 local voters attended/participated the pre-election program at Paepcke Auditorium on the Aspen Institute campus - which lasted just under three hours but covered the full gamut of ballot issues, most pertaining to sales tax, property tax and bond proposals. Walter Paepcke would be proud to know that such "enlightened debate" and civilized discourse IS alive and well in Aspen (but frequently missing in City Council meetings, but we digress. . .).
The Audience andThe Ant Weigh In
Although far from a scientific poll, the ballots turned in tonight told us a surprising story on some issues. The 58% Obama-leaning crowd (McCain 42%), voted down all the taxes but 3A, school technology.
Referendum 1C: Authorizes Pitkin County to conduct a multi-tiered and complex land exchange. |
Additional Information:
Summarized Pro/Con Statements
Forum speakers took a lot of time to prepare written, concise informational statements on their positions. Please reference for further information.
Don Davidson, CPA, summarized the impact of all of the proposed taxes--click hereTax Impact Schedule.
which is helpful in getting a sense of the combined personal impact of the taxes on the ballot.
Grassroots TV Broadcast
If you missed the forum, you may see it on Grassroots (channel 12 or over the internet on the same schedule
Friday 10.24 10 p.m., Saturday 10.25 5 p.m., Sunday 10.26 1:30 p.m.
REMEMBER: Election Day is Tuesday, November 4. (The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November - remember that from civics class?) Vote. It's your right and responsibility. Democracy works because Americans participate!
We are always interested in your comments. Post them below.